Friday, November 9, 2012

My Thoughts as I Watched President Obama's Acceptance Speech

"I wouldn't be the man I am today without the woman that agreed to marry me 20 years ago." - The 44th President of the United States, Barack Obama.

Woman (and men), If you look at many of the great men in history, you will see a strong supportive woman, not behind him, but beside him, as a respected partner. Such a man would not have achieved greatness without her; without her encouragement; without her belief in him when no one else did. President Obama acknowledges this in his presidential acceptance speech. He acknowledges that without her there would be no President Obama. He acknowledges that his wife is such a blessing to him that all of America recognizes it and also has fallen in love with her just as he did 20+ years ago.

Women, are you ready to support a man in that fashion? Are you ready to sometimes delay or sacrifice your dreams for those of your husband?

Men, are you ready for a woman that will put her very life into your hands and believe in you, even when you have doubts about yourself? Are you ready as a leader to submit to an equal partnership with your wife built upon love, sacrifice and respect?

A union like that of First Lady Michelle Obama and President Barack Obama has led them to the White House; two times. Now the White House might not be your destination but are you willing to join in a union that will lead you to greatness?

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