Friday, January 27, 2012

My Thoughts on President Obama's State of the Union Address

We are living in a divided America; Democrats vs. Republican; Liberal vs. Conservatives, Haves vs. Have Not’s and an endless number of divisions on sexuality, religion and gender. If you listen to the political rhetoric coming from both sides it would appear as if our country is headed to hell in a hand basket. The sole reason for this course of direction is not because of George W. Bush; not because of the after effects of the housing market collapse; neither because of Iraq nor Afghanistan; but because of our unwillingness to work together.

In President Obama's State of the Union Address he talked about our military, the finest and brightest group of citizens that this country has to offer. Our military which consists of men and women of different races, backgrounds, sexual orientations, religious beliefs and political affiliations put the good of the country above their personal agendas and focused on the mission at hand. This resulted in, of many things, permanently ending the threat of Osama Bin Laden to our country. We as private citizen and those who are elected officials should follow the example set by this great generation of citizens; the art of working together to pursue a common goal.

President Obama has not once attempted to become a dictator. He has yet to attempt to impose a totalitarian rule on this country. He has repeatedly asked for us all to work together with him to pursue a common goal of building a better America consisting of a reformed healthcare system, less reliance on foreign oil, an improved education system; creation of 21st century jobs, infrastructure repair and paying down the national debt. These are things that every American should strive for, if not for themselves, at least for future generations. It is time for us all to pull together and focus on completing the mission at hand. Do you want to be a part of the solution or further advance the problem?

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