Friday, December 6, 2013

Nelson Mandela

TATA MADIBAStudent, Acitvist, Revolutionary, Prisoner, President, Elder Statesman,  showed the world that there is no time for bitterness, revenge, wrath nor hatred when you are trying to save your people and your nation. Mandela could have spent his years after release from what was a life sentence as a bitter old man, but instead immediately continued his fight for justice and equality which culminated in successful negotiations to end apartheid.

Mandela went from prison to the office of the Presidency as the first democratically elected South African President under the new 1 person 1 vote policy allowing all citizens regardless of race access to the ballot box. Under his leadership, instead of using his power to take vengeance on those who persecuted his people or settle old scores, he reconciled his country. And with the humility that few world leaders show, Tata Madiba only served one term when his popularity would have guaranteed re-election to a second term.

Tata, Well Done! Rejoice! Your work is finished.

Now it is time for us to carry on your mission and live in your example while you look down upon us.

Jesuorobo A. Enobakhare, Jr. is a Moderate Democratic Blogger who cuts through the rhetoric so that individuals can see the reality of political statements and how those statements turned into action can affect them. Contact him by email at or follow him on Twitter @Jesuorobo.