Friday, March 9, 2012

Flashback Friday - Barack O' Reilly, Irish - American President of the United States (posted in 2009)

It is interesting how some people are still up in arms about President Barack Obama. In spite of two books, an endless number of interviews, and a one hour biography on MSNBC, they still ask the question...Who is Barack Obama? Or let me say they continue to repeat the email that started last year titled "Who is Barack Obama?" Because of his heritage they tend to claim he is a closet Muslim terrorist even though neither of his parents practiced any type of religion. President Barack Obama was born in the United States and spent most of his life in the United States. But there are a few who tend to still believe the rumors, lies, and false hoods of Right Wing propaganda instead of reading his books, paying attention to his interviews and truly seeing the man for who he is. It appears that the those people only want to hear President Obama say is this:

I am a Muslim
I hate white people
I am here to destroy this country
And until he says those three things they will never believe anything else that comes out of his mouth. Actually they already believe those three things.

But what if Barack Obama was instead Barack O' Reilly, Irish-American President of the United States? Would people still think he is a closet terrorist? Would they accept Barack O' Reilly as an American or would they think that he is secretly trying to bring "the Troubles" to the United States. The Troubles was considered a time of terrorism, ethnic cleansing and questionable civil war in Ireland from the 1960's - 1990's. Would they think that Barack O' Reilly is the living embodiment of what it means to fulfill the American dream? Would they think of him as the son of an Irish immigrant and American mother who learned that success can only be achieved thru hard work and education?


Would they think of him as a closet Irish terrorist plotting to overthrow the United States government and make the United States of America the United States of Ireland?